Category Archives: infographic

The most-annoying writing mistakes [Infographic]

The most-annoying writing mistakes. I guess this infographic is mostly for me, as a writer guilty of about half of these!

The most-annoying writing mistakes [Infographic]

This infographic was originally posted on Career Enlightment.

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Posted by on January 10, 2013 in infographic, Self Publishing, writing


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4 Best Writer’s Block Infographics

In every blogger’s/writer’s life, there always comes a situation where he or she runs out of ideas and words for their next piece of article. It feels like a road end wherein the writing journey stops. This is known as “writer’s block”.

There are many ways to overcome writer’s block, but it varies from one person to another on the types of writers’ block they are facing. Like in my case, I sometimes get stuck in writing the 1st paragraph or a good start.

So today let us try to know what exactly is writer’s block and how to overcome them from the following infographics:

1. Writer’s Block

This infographic describes the proper definition of “writer’s block” by pros and few tips to overcome them. It also includes a list of movies made with respect to this subject.

Writer’s Block

Source: Writer’s Block Infographic

2. 22 Ways to Create a Compelling Content

This is one of the most recommended infographic, which is created by very well know blogger @copyblogger. The chart below visualizes 22 ways to create compelling content and beat writer’s block.

 Ways to Create a Compelling Content

Source: CopyBlogger

3. 7 Ways To Overcome Writer’s Block

As I have mentioned, there are different types of writer’s block. Here are seven more ways to overcome them.

7 Ways To Overcome Writer’s Block

Source: Vappingo

4. Content Writing Tips

More tips describing ways to create content in overcoming writer’s block.

Content Writing Tips

Source: Seven Boats

This infographic was originally posted on Tech18.

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Posted by on January 10, 2013 in infographic, writers block


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Self-publishing vs. Traditional publishing [Infographic]

Self-publishing vs. Traditional publishing infographic Ever thought you as an author are leaving so much money on the table?

Self-publishing vs. Traditional publishing infographic

This infographic was originally posted on America’s Press.


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15 facts every self-publisher should know

TICs y Formación


Una infografía con 15 datos sobre autopublicación que has de conocer.

Un saludo



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Self-Publishing By The Numbers

Well done infographic about self-publishing vs. traditional publishing.

Research your market, outline your book, section it into bite-size chunks, then work on it until it’s finished. It doesn’t have to be long, especially if it’s cheap. Check out Seth Godin’s books for an example of short and sweet. Just make sure your book delivers value on every page.

Once your feet are wet from your first eBook, you can finally get around to writing the novel you’ve been dreaming about!

Self-Publishing By The Numbers

Infographic by: Website

Though I’m a creative type, I’m also pretty obsessed with numbers and charts, so I found this to be a really interesting breakdown of self publishing vs. traditional.

If you just scan the article, it will probably seem like e-books and self-publishing are no brainers. You receive a larger portion of the profits, there’s no printing costs, and the risk is significantly lower. But there are a few key points here that may be overlooked:

  1. In the self-publishing vs. traditional book deal section, it shows that you’d have to sell almost 3000 books before earning $10k (the average book advance). Most people think, “3000 books? No problem!” but this infographic clearly shows that the average sale of books is around 150. Though we hear plenty of self-publishing success stories, the reality is, on average, self-published books sell less than traditionally published books. If your goal is to reach as many readers as possible, especially as a first-time novelist, you’re better off with a traditional publisher.
  2. I was happy to see that this demonstrated the higher cost for print books. When you’re with a traditional publisher, they have the ability to print and warehouse bulk orders of books. The more books you order, the less each costs, so the overall profit is significantly higher. But as most self-published authors will tell you, it’s all about the e-books.
  3. The e-book case study demonstrates some very appealing numbers. Who wouldn’t want to earn $24k a month? But what the case study neglects to highlight is that J.A. Konrath had a strong online following as a traditionally published author prior to transitioning to self-pubbing. I don’t forsee a newbie author, unless they’re some sort of celebrity, generating these types of numbers.

Feel free to share your thoughts or ask any questions you may have. It’s a lot of data, but I think overall, very informative.


This infographic was originally posted on The Digital Writer.


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