Category Archives: ISBN

Do I need an ISBN?

If you are a publisher or bookseller it may be in your own interest as you want to sell books. If your books cannot be ordered and distributed by ISBN and if they are not listed in Books in Print you may find that your books do not sell: People will assume your books do not exist, and if they know they may consider it too much of a bother to handle them in a traditional fashion.


I’ve had writers ask me this question…A LOT. As a result, I figured I’d find some Q&A to assist my blog readers. One piece of advice…you will find POD and other publishing services that offer a free ISBN. Purchase and use your own if you truly wish to self-publish. If you decide to use their free one, THEY will be listed as the publisher of your book and NOT you.


Now onto the ISBN Q&A (compliments of the ISBN User’s Manual):

Q: Why should I use an ISBN?

A: If you are a publisher or bookseller it may be in your own interest as you want to sell books. If your books cannot be ordered and distributed by ISBN and if they are not listed in Books in Print you may find that your books do not sell: People will assume your books do not exist, and if…

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